27 December 2007
Crazy Dog Owners

26 December 2007
Cutest Puppy Ever at Fido Field
15 December 2007
23 November 2007
Democratic Candidate
22 November 2007
Happy Thanksgiving !
15 October 2007
16 July 2007
15 July 2007
06 July 2007
06 June 2007
Media Watch
civil war: A war between factions of the same country; there are five criteria for international recognition of this status: the contestants must control territory, have a functioning government, enjoy some foreign recognition, have identifiable regular armed forces, and engage in major military operations.
In other words, what's goin on in Palestine is a civil war, but in Iraq, not so much.
05 June 2007
Secular Progressive Idiots at Wikipedia
Man get a life, people.
Hogan logically trashes the darwinists and global-warming idiots,
so they smear his biographical entry.
30 May 2007
23 May 2007
01 May 2007
Welcome Back Tony Snow
"Reporters inflate the importance of mediocre sources by means of grandiose titles."
Tony Snow
Ever wonder how someone makes a living as a "peace activist" ? I'm just putting up a Snow quote to celebrate his return to work. You wouldnt believe the amount of left-wing cartoonists that hate Mr. Snow for shining such harsh light on their pet causes.
30 April 2007
Sad but True.
10 April 2007
31 March 2007
Birthday of Mine
17 March 2007
15 March 2007
Tonight on Okrah

I left my blog on auto-pilot for a few days and it generated no content whatsoever. And so my readership dropped in half. from 2 to 1.
Whenever I do get more content on my blog, I'll write more about me, and my activities, and the things I do, and the stuff I own. that will be what people want to read I feel.
10 March 2007
04 March 2007
Ann Coulter calls it like she sees It.
Ann Coulter did not call anyone names, per se. She implied a deserving of a moniker, and referenced a current tv show's drama, that's all. Tone back your outrage and laugh a little. please.
" We must show that inflaming prejudice to attack progressive leaders will only backfire. Can you help us raise $100,000 in “Coulter Cash” this week to keep this campaign charging ahead and fight back against the politics of bigotry? "
"Damn, Silky Pony, that kind of cash will buy a LOT of pedicures, full body massages and boxes of chocolate to soothe your bruised, limp-wristed ego.
Heck, you might even be able to get those highlights that you always wanted put in your carefully coiffed mane. (Don’t worry, I already bought “homophobe offsets” from LC Mope, so there’s no need to denounce me just yet. I’m “slur neutral.”) People who routinely refer to Bush as Hilter, Chimp or Dumbya or who routinely refer to Ann Coulter as Mann Coulter are outraged? "
Can the lead scouts see the edge of liberal hypocrisy yet ? (radio silence follows)
HOWARD DEAN, THE favorite to be the next head of the Democratic National Committee, made his case in midtown yesterday, promising to make his party operate more like the GOP - at least when it comes to elections.
"I hate the Republicans and everything they stand for, but I admire their discipline and their organization,"... "We can talk about our faith, but we cannot change our faith," he said, echoing themes he sounded in his presidential bid. "We need to be people of conviction."
Actually, I love Ann more every day. I recently heard someone on the Right say that sometimes we need to say some things out loud instead of just thinking them. That’s what Ann does. She effectively tells the Left, “Either you believe in free speech or your don’t!” The fact that people on the Right would freak out about calling an effete sissy like Edwards a name is simply proof that we’ve bought into their schtick.
Go Get'em Ann !
01 March 2007
300th Post
26 February 2007
24 February 2007
23 February 2007
Good Stuff !
1. Gathering of Eagles is non-partisan. While each member has his or her own political beliefs, our common love and respect for America and her heroes is what brings us together.2. We are a non-violent, non-confrontational group. We look to defend, not attack. Our focus is guarding our memorials and their grounds.
3. We believe that the war memorials are sacred ground; as such, we will not allow them to be desecrated, used as props for political statements, or treated with anything less than the solemn and heartfelt respect they–and the heroes they honor–deserve.
4. We are wholly and forever committed to our brothers and sisters in uniform. As veterans, we understand their incredible and noble sacrifices, made of their own accord for a nation they love more than life itself. As family members, we stand by them, and as Americans, we thank God for them.
5. We believe in and would give our lives for the precious freedoms found in our Constitution. We believe that our freedom of speech is one of the greatest things our country espouses, and we absolutely hold that any American citizen has the right to express his or her approval or disapproval with any policy, law, or action of our nation and her government in a peaceful manner as afforded by the laws of our land.
6. However, we are adamantly opposed to the use of violence, vandalism, physical or verbal assaults on our veterans, and the destruction or desecration of our memorials. By defending and honoring these sacred places, we defend and honor those whose blood gave all of us the right to speak as freely as our minds think.
22 February 2007

19 February 2007
Peace Democrats
Photo of the DNC Ethics Committee Building, Alexandria, Virginia
" Pacifism is objectively pro-Fascist. This is elementary common sense. If you hamper the war effort of one side you automatically help that of the other. Nor is there any real way of remaining outside such a war as the present one. In practice, ‘he that is not with me is against me’. The idea that you can somehow remain aloof from and superior to the struggle, while living on food which British sailors have to risk their lives to bring you, is a bourgeois illusion bred of money and security…
What I object to is the intellectual cowardice of people who are objectively and to some extent emotionally pro-Fascist, but who don’t care to say so and take refuge behind the formula ‘I am just as anti-fascist as anyone, but—’. The result of this is that so-called peace propaganda is just as dishonest and intellectually disgusting as war propaganda. "
George Orwell
Why Are Browser Wars Important ?

Because I need the best browser to do the best selling.
This week starts the annual purge of junk from the office.
Old games, collectibles, stamps, cast off hardware
and anything else worth a buck will end up on Ebay.
The last of the record collection will finally go also.
18 February 2007
Browser Wars

For extra credit you can do a report on Conservative Actresses in Hollywood. Now why would that be a rare breed. Oh yeah. Willingness to sell self, ideals, or flesh in exchange for money may be more specifically a liberal value.

16 February 2007
Whale of a Time
14 February 2007
The Truth About Amanda Marcotte
13 February 2007
Flag Burning ?
"This story starts with an "anti-terrorism rally" held last October on campus by the College Republicans. To emphasize their point, students stomped on Hezbollah and Hamas flags. According to the college paper, the Golden Gate (X)Press, members of Students Against War and the International Socialist Organization showed up to call the Republicans "racists," while the president of the General Union of Palestinian Students accused the Repubs of spreading false information about Muslims.
In November, the Associated Students board passed a unanimous resolution, which the (X)Press reported, denounced the California Republicans for "hateful religious intolerance" and criticized those who "pre-meditated the stomping of the flags knowing it would offend some people and possibly incite violence."
Now you know that there are students who are opposed to desecrating flags on campus -- that is, if the flags represent terrorist organizations.
noted were ..."allegations of attempts to incite violence and create a hostile environment," as well as "actions of incivility."
should they .... put up a sign that reads: Conservatives need not apply.
other docs cite that: The letter noted, "Burning an American flag as part of a political protest is expression protected by the First Amendment." And: "Speech does not constitute incitement if a speaker's words result in violence because people despise what the speaker said and wish to silence him or her."
The university Spokesperson: "The university stands behind this process."

09 February 2007
06 February 2007
Good Deeds Speak for Themselves

I wish I had something quite cogent to add to that. I could post more about debates of the day, but I needed a positive post or two in here. Let this serve as reminder first to me and any reading (both of you) that life is performed, not watched.
05 February 2007
Still Drinking the Sierra Club Cool-Aid ?
Global Warming is not due to human contribution of Carbon Dioxide
The Cold, Hard Facts?By Timothy Ball
Monday, February 5, 2007
Global Warming, as we think we know it, doesn't exist. And I am not the only one trying to make people open up their eyes and see the truth. But few listen, despite the fact that I was the first Canadian Ph.D. in Climatology and I have an extensive
background in climatology,
Its been sung before. Let me remind you of the previous verses to the sicko song: DDT, Greenhouse Gasses, Freon, Aerosol Cans, CFCs, etc. etc. I'm not sure who all's pushing truth, but the mainstream media and PBS and the History Channel even are giving out free samples of Kool-Aid. Do you believe in Global Warming ? Does that sound like a science question to you ?
02 February 2007
Global Warming. Why the big media Push ?
01 February 2007
Splain Dis
ST. PAUL — The boyfriend of a pregnant 18-year-old woman smirked and posed for an apartment building security camera before brutally beating her, causing her to miscarry, according to a complaint filed against the man.
The Minnesota man was charged with second-degree murder on Tuesday in the death of his girlfriend's unborn child, marking rare use of a state law that allows a murder charge even though the mother survived. The couple also has a 6-month-old child together.
Dino M. Scott, 20, smirked and made an obscene gesture on camera before he beat Namrata Ceisel on Sunday, the criminal complaint alleged. She later suffered a miscarriage.
Scott was charged with murder of an unborn child in the second degree, plus third-degree assault.
if all this is true, why is abortion legal ?
27 January 2007
26 January 2007
Heavy Bolter !

The Bush administration has authorized the U.S. military to kill or capture Iranian operatives inside Iraq as part of an aggressive new strategy to weaken Tehran's influence across the Middle East and compel it to give up its nuclear program, according to government and counterterrorism officials with direct knowledge of the effort.
For more than a year, U.S. forces in Iraq have secretly detained dozens of suspected Iranian agents, holding them for three to four days at a time. The "catch and release" policy was designed to avoid escalating tensions with Iran and yet intimidate its emissaries.
Finally some relief...
23 January 2007
Little Green Soccerballs
20 January 2007
Old Mascot Retires
19 January 2007
Open-Mindedness on the Curriculum
Over what institution does the left exert the greatest control ? (even more than over Hollywood and the news media)
Answer: Academia.
Now then ask:
What institution most closely resembles a police state in its posture toward dissent?
Same Answer: Academia.
At American colleges and universities, Christian student groups are often told to renounce their principles or lose official status. Conservative newspapers are often vandalized. Conservative speakers are often shouted down or sometimes assaulted with impunity. Students who vigorously challenge leftist dogma are often suspended or expelled. Professors can be denied tenure for failure to regurgitate the leftist agenda.
17 January 2007
Iraq War Started By Democrats . . . per se
Bottom Line Up Front: The war in Iraq is not “Bush’s war”, it is America’s war and it has been since the early 1990’s. In 1998, then President Bill Clinton on the eve of presidential impeachment hearings signed into law The Iraq Liberation Act which committed U.S. money to supporting the overthrow of a dangerous Saddam Hussein and laid out U.S. policy as supporting a free Iraq.
The Iraq Liberation Act
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
October 31, 1998
Today I am signing into law H.R. 4655, the “Iraq Liberation Act of 1998.” This Act makes clear that it is the sense of the Congress that the United States should support those elements of the Iraqi opposition that advocate a very different future for Iraq than the bitter reality of internal repression and external aggression that the current regime in Baghdad now offers.
Let me be clear on what the U.S. objectives are: The United States wants Iraq to rejoin the family of nations as a freedom-loving and law-abiding member. This is in our interest and that of our allies within the region.
W J Clinton
and yet people still want to blame bush for the "iraq quagmire"
10 January 2007
More Quotables

"I wish I would have hit some people harder," Plummer said.
04 January 2007
Memories of the Wise
01 January 2007
New Year Blossoms in Hampton Roads