17 September 2005


Support for future weeks came in: from Warren C . Ron H. Allen C. Kevin C. Many thanks from me and those helped.

Photo shows that week's meals served tally on the Virginia unit's kitchen. That's an average of 7OOO meals per day. Food was only part of the story. Each day you could see:

40+ houses & yards cleared by chainsaw crews.
70+ loads of laundry done (for relief workers &  the needy without power)
10+ houses and drives cleared of mud and flood debris.
30+ families given clothes, toiletries, bottled water, snacks to take.
90+ people taking showers (for relief workers & the needy without power)
90+ people receiving counseling from chaplains

all that food and work was donated, folks.

1 comment:

Egyptoid said...

When I write a number like: 90+ people receiving counseling from chaplains
some of those people, every day, like 3 to 5, some days more, were professing belief in Christ and accepting the fact that God loves them, despite hurricanes, finances, deeds past or problems present.

People run around asking why why why after the hurricane. The Why doesnt matter, for God is Love.